Terveyskylä diary is a mobile application connected to Terveyskylä's Omapolu, which can be used to provide information on a symptom or monitored value to a caring professional up to several times a day, if necessary. To use the application, you must register with Omapolu.
The diary application is intended for data entry and data transfer, i.e. the application itself does not include calculation, graphics generation or alarms. Treatment is always monitored on a digital treatment path under the supervision of a professional. The diaries in the application can also be related to the self-care programs on Omapolu, in which case the diary information is only visible to the user himself.
Omapolku is a digital service channel for healthcare, to which digital care paths and self-care programs can also be connected. The healthcare unit that cares for you may have an Omapolku service channel in use, in which case you will be asked to register for the service. Omapolku is a secure service environment that uses strong authentication. You log in to the service with Finnish bank IDs or a mobile certificate.
Digital treatment paths that open to the Omapolku service channel are online treatment programs that are opened by health care on the basis of a referral or an existing treatment relationship. Some of the digital treatment paths are fully online coaching and therapy programs, while others are closely linked to hospital care.
More information and registration for Omapolu: www.terveyskyla.fi/omapolku